We Coach Each Other

Where academic physicians stomp out burnout, embrace well-being, achieve results, and develop both personally and professionally.


Learn to Coach

We begin with a 6-week cohort-based coaching course to get you up to speed quickly.

Learn and practice advanced coaching techniques that help you and your colleagues find your own path through complex challenges. Directly applicable. Right away. 🔥

Breakout groups, lots of humor, and real-world scenarios keep you involved.


Get Coached

Get coached by physician colleagues who speak your language and understand what it’s like to work in healthcare right now. ☺️ 😤 😢

You will be paired with a coaching partner, you can attend scheduled coaching sessions, and/or you can simply request a coach from within our community.

You will coach colleagues and they will coach you.


Join the Community

Meet new people. Build friendships. Be a part of a community of physicians who support each other. 🙌🏽

There are ongoing opportunities for continuous learning through programswebinars, and hot seats with invited experts, authors, scientists, and other colleagues in the know.

Initial 6-week Coaching Course

Two hours each Tuesday at 6p CT on Zoom. Every session is recorded. Videos, slides, references, and discussions will be posted ASAP in our community.

The basics of coaching.

  • Stop overplaying expertise
  • Unleash powerful questions
  • Understand the Five Hats approach
  • Identify an effective framework

Apr 11

Coach a colleague to meet a goal.

  • Establish effective goals
  • Understand why “atomic habits” may explode or fizzle
  • Harness fears, worries, & assumptions
  • Move from thinking to action

Apr 18

Coach a burned out colleague.

  • Learn to support and challenge
  • Identify drivers of burnout & well-being
  • Develop an approach to well-being
  • Find efficacy in difficult scenarios

Apr 25

Coach a disrupted colleague.

  • Acknowledge intense emotion
  • Recognize idiosyncratic language
  • Discuss deletions, generalizations, distortions, and metaphors

May 2

Coach and mentor a junior colleague.

  • Recognize adult levels of development
  • Discuss a developmental approach
  • Understand the risks of mentoring

May 9

Coach as a leader of teams.

  • Learn to coach as a team leader
  • Learn the ROW Forward framework
  • Discuss the effects of leadership behavior
  • Expand upon key content from the program

May 16

Learn to coach.

Be coached.

Coach colleagues.

Hello 👋

I’m Richard Winters.

Like you, I’ve grown tired of watching colleagues burn out and struggle. My belief is that we can support each other. We can help each other find efficacy, overcome challenges, and develop both personally and professionally.

I’m an emergency physician and an executive coach at Mayo Clinic, and the director of leadership development for the Mayo Clinic Care Network. I also authored the Wall Street Journal bestselling book You’re the Leader. Now What? — Leadership Lessons from Mayo Clinic.

I will teach you what I know about coaching and leadership. I will bring in authors, scientists, and experts to teach us more. And I look forward to learning from you.

I’m determined to make this one of the best communities on the internet.

We're changing

the way physicians

support each other.

Frequently asked questions

Are teaching sessions offered live?

Yes. Each teaching session of the program is offered live through Zoom.

These are not boring “read the slide” sessions. You’ll learn key concepts and techniques you can apply right away. Sessions are fun and interactive. We use breakout rooms, real-time chat, and answer questions and answers during each session. The video is “fancy”.

What if I miss a teaching session?

Yep. This happens. No worries. You can watch the recording of the session.

The live sessions foster a sense of community and shared learning. But sometimes things get in the way. The video, slides, references, and discussion for each session are available soon after each live session finishes.

However, it’s essential that you keep up with your cohort to have the best experience. Try not to fall behind.

Will I be assigned a professional coach?

We teach physicians to coach physicians.

On average, one hour of professional coaching costs $350. One hour of executive coaching costs well over $500 per hour. We think we can help each other at a lower cost in a way that fosters a sense of community, provides support, and develops our own efficacy and skills.

While this program doesn’t include one-to-one coaching by an International Coach Federation certified coach, if you’d like a professional or executive coach, we would be happy to recommend a physician with ICF-certification as a coach.

Will I become an International Coach Federation certified coach?

We will help you develop your coaching skills. However, this is not a 160+ hour International Coaching Federation (ICF) certification program.

We provide the middle way between “learn to coach in a day” programs and the more formal ICF coaching certification programs.

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) requires 60 hours of coach specific education, 100 hours of client coaching experience, 10 hours of mentor coaching, and successful completion of both a performance and credentialing exam.

Our coaching instructors are ICF-certified with extensive experience coaching physicians. If you’d like to continue on to become an ICF-certified coach, we will hold seminars and share our experiences.

Are you ready to join our academic physician community?

We Coach Each Other

Stomp out burnout.
Move toward well-being.
Achieve results.
Grow both personally and professionally.

Join the Community